Startseite / Blog / map.apps supports GeoJSON and WKT

map.apps supports GeoJSON and WKT

Martin Wilden October 4, 2013
Since version 2.1.5 (and of course this also applies for the upcoming 3.0 release), map.apps supports GeoJSON. GeoJSON is a community driven, open format to represent geographic information. The format is supported by several software products like FME and GeoServer. Our implementation is based on Esri’s terraformer toolkit, published on GitHub ( Beside the GeoJSON support, this library also adds the functionality to read and convert Well-Known Text (WKT) to Esri geometry types. To use this features, the “geojson” bundle has to be loaded. This bundle provides a transformation component (geojson.Transformer) to perform the following tasks:
  • Parse GeoJson to esri/Geometry
  • Convert esri/Geometry to GeoJson
  • Parse WKT to GeoJson
  • Convert GeoJson to WKT
  • Parse WKT to esri/Geometry
  • Convert esri/Geometry to WKT
A more detailed description can be found in the bundle documentation.