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map.apps 3.2 released

July 10, 2015

map.apps 3.2 brings many improvements for users, administrators and developers. The focus of this release is to optimize existing functionality and workflow. So, the new version offers a generic selection tool to all users. Thus it is now automatically possible to make selections on all visible and selectable themes. For the administrator, this eliminates the previously required configuration of individual selections of each theme. The wish expressed by many customers to use hyperlinks in tables outputs was also realized: web links and email addresses can now be displayed as hyperlinks and are then directly accessible with one click.

Administrators can now integrate content from ArcGIS Online in their apps immediately and much easier. When configuring content from ArcGIS Online, now an intuitive search has integrated, which can quickly find webmaps according to title, description or its owner, and integrated by clicking directly in the app configuration. In addition, a login to ArcGIS Online / Portal for ArcGIS is possible withing the map.apps Live Configuration, so that protected content can be configured.

From this version on, the map.apps Manager now provides a special service for administrators with an "Update Reminder": If a new version of map.apps or an installed extension is available, an icon appears in the Manager interface that informs the administrator about newly available components. In this way, changes can be made available more rapidly in existing applications. But changes in the layer structures of embedded system services can now also be automated and taken without administrator intervention. This is made possible through the support of ArcGIS for Server 10.3 and the introduction of static layer IDs.

New opportunities also exist for map.apps developers: developers can create their own filter widgets for the Result Center. In addition, Maven plugins have been updated.

In addition to product maintenance, existing bugs were fixed and base libraries updated.

Feature List map.apps 3.2

  • Selection tool to list all available stores
  • Search dialog to configure Webmaps
  • Notification of new product releases in map.apps Manager
  • Registration within the Live Configuration of ArcGIS Online / Portal for ArcGIS
  • Changing the spatial reference system in the App Configuration
  • Automatically Registering ArcGIS Server Stores
  • Internationalization of the title of Coordinate Reference Systems
  • Reset settings in the Live Configuration
  • Interface for registering own filter widgets in the Result Center
  • Configure the maximum size of the App via Mapapps-Maven-Plugin
  • Automatic Deployment of multiple apps via Mapapps-Maven-Plugin
  • Defining roles via Mapapps-Maven-Plugin
  • Update to ArcGIS API for JavaScript 3:13